METODI Asscom & Aleph is an independent organization founded in 1985 operating  throughout Italy. For more than thirty-five years, we have been working with public administrations, businesses, third sector entities and local communities to promote quality of life, innovation and social cohesion through participatory and cooperative methodologies. We carry out training, consulting, supervision and action-research in the fields of organizational development and community welfare.

  • Training: we build training paths aimed at developing and enhancing the skills of individuals, groups and organizations
  • Consulting and supervision: we support teams and working groups in improving their operational action
  • Action-research: we build knowledge-action pathways with the direct engagement of the involved stakeholders

Pathways are tailored based on a careful analysis of training needs. In the implementation of the activities we favor active and cooperative methodologies based on the direct involvement of participants and the enhancement of the experience of individuals, groups and organizations.

Through counseling and supervision we facilitate the elaboration of the points of view and of the lived experiences of the different members of a working group, in order to deepen their understanding and refine intervention strategies

We carry out pathways of study and analysis of social problems and contexts by facilitating a constructive dialogue between professional knowledge and ‘knowledge through experience’, in order to produce positive changes in the lives of the people and groups involved in the intervention


Click here to learn more about some of our current and/or recent projects and training courses





Founding member and current president of Metodi. He has been involved in community work in the field of social policies, international cooperation, health promotion and urban regeneration for more than 30 years. A former professor of action-research at the University of Milano-Bicocca, he now teaches at the Università Cattolica and at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) . He is a member of the Italian Institute of Evaluation (Istituto italiano di Valutazione), a member of the editorial board of the journal Animazione Sociale and of the scientific committee of the journal Psicologia di Comunità. His blog is SviluppodiComunità.org





Managing director of Metodi. Community psychologist, he carries out consulting, facilitation and planning in the field of social work. He has gained various experiences in the field of training and consulting with working groups. A member of the Italian Institute of Evaluation (Istituto italiano di Valutazione), he is a lecturer in the course “Psychology of Community Interventions” at the Catholic University of Brescia, and “Tools and Techniques for Participation and Community Development” at the University of Padua. He is a certified facilitator for the LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY® method






Partner of Metodi, board member and director of the Italian Institute of Evaluation (Istituto italiano di Valutazione). He coordinates evaluation interventions in the field of social policies, training and participatory processes; he manages consulting activities in the implementation and evaluation of public services. He is a laboratory lecturer at the Cattolica and Milano-Bicocca Universities. Member of the Order of Journalists of Lombardy, he is the author of several publications.






Psychologist, psychotherapist and psychodramatist. With Metodi she deals with training and supervision interventions in school, educational and therapeutic settings. She works on inclusion pathways with refugees and asylum seekers. She has gained specific experiences in the public and international sectors in the field of health promotion and community-based prevention. She promotes the psychodramatic approach both in clinical settings and for the development of personal and professional roles in organizations and groups






Graduated in Political Science with a specialization in Emergency Governance and a post-graduate degree in Intercultural Competence for Social Integration, she has experience in the field of migration and asylum seekers procedures at the administrative, operational and research level. She works as social project manager and community worker in a consortium of cooperatives. With Metodi she’s involved in training, group facilitation, action-research and project design and evaluation.







Organizational psychologist, she conducts training, consulting and evaluation activities in the field of social and educative work. She has gained experience in community work both nationally and internationally (in Zambia, Benin and Senegal for Cooperation projects). With Metodi e the Italian Institute of Evaluation, she works on facilitating groups for what concerns training, evaluation and consulting, and on participatory practice






Graduate in Theoretical Philosophy at  University of Milano-Statale and in Clinical Developmental Psychology and Neuropsychology from Milano-Bicocca University. She is member of the social cooperative Co.esa where she collaborates on the project “Friends of Co.esa” and proposes the development of an integrated approach to fundraising. With Metodi she is engaged in action-research and training activities







Ph.D. in education science and collaborator of Metodi and the Italian Institute of Evaluation. After completing his studies in political economy and sociology and a master’s degree in qualitative research methodology, he gained experience in market research. He is lecturer at the University of Bergamo, teaching educational research methodology and methods and techniques of educational research evaluation






Ph.D. in Education at Canterbury Christ Church University (UK), she collaborates with the University of Milano Bicocca and international networks in research activities on adult education and gender museum pedagogy. With Metodi she is engaged in developing art-based participatory and biographical methodologies within generative welfare and community projects. She is an evaluator in this field for the Italian Institute of Evaluation and she teaches Italian to foreigners.






He is in charge of Anno Unico, a service for contrasting early school leaving, in which he has developed innovative approaches and tools for working with adolescents in difficulty. With Metodi he is involved in training professionals in educational and school settings. He is a laboratory teacher at the University of Milan; with the research group C.I.R.C.E. he promotes critical and alternative looks at digital technologies. His blog is






Community psychologist. She collaborates with Metodi in action-research and health promotion projects. She has international experience in qualitative and quantitative research in the fields of prevention and social psychology. She is specialized in European projects








Sociologist, expert in public policy evaluation. Ph.D. in sociology, he is a lecturer in social policy at the bachelor course in Education Sciences and at the master’s degree course in Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Milano-Bicocca. For several years he has been involved in the analysis and evaluation of public policies (social, health, education, labor) and in the study of organizations. He is a senior evaluator for the Italian Institute of Evaluation and a contributor to Metodi






Pedagogist and PhD in Personal and Educational Sciences at the Catholic University of Milan. Researcher and trainer at CREMIT (Center for Research on Media, Innovation and Technology Education). He collaborates with Metodi on issues related to community technologies, media education and digital pastoral care, delving into the ways in which technologies can generate new relationships and nurture existing ones. He is a professor of general education at ISSR in Novara, Italy.






Clinical and community psychologist specializing in Adlerian dynamic psychotherapy. She began her professional experience in the field of community development working with Metodi, where she currently works in research, training, prevention and health promotion projects and on technical-methodological accompaniment of networks and communities.







Clinical and community psychologist and psychodramatist, with Metodi she works to support transformative processes of the person, the groups and the communities, as well as in health promotion and training in the social field, with forays into the educational world with children and adolescents. She is an operator of community theater, through the tool of Playback Theatre, and she is expert in social theater







Law graduate. He contributed to the consolidation and evolution of co-design in the Lecco area – among the first innovative Italian experiences – up to the establishment of the social enterprise Girasole, a public-private partnership experience of national interest. His diverse political (he has been Mayor and Welfare Councilor) and professional experiences have enabled him to develop an articulate thought and outlook on welfare issues. With Metodi he conducts training and consulting on forms of co-programming and co-design bridging the public and the private sectors






Community psychologist. She collaborates with Metodi in action-research and health promotion projects. She has experience in quantitative and qualitative psychosocial research, particularly in the areas of prevention, community assessment and social impact assessment (SIA). She has worked as a research fellow at the University of Padua and collaborates with the cultural association Communia, in the field of local and European planning.








Psychologist and Ph.D. in sociology, organizations and cultures at the Catholic University of Milan, where she is an expert and tutor in the courses of general sociology, sociology of cultural processes for the promotion of child and family welfare and sociology of the design of personal services. She has long dealt with the topic of trafficking for sexual exploitation and domestic violence at the level of scientific research and psychosocial intervention. She collaborates with Metodi in training and consulting activities.